Admission Going on For the Session 2025-26

Enquiry Form

The Computer Provides The Only Way To Give Students A Real Foundation In 21st Century Skills

We Provide State-of-the-art Infrastructure

Computer Lab

The school integrates Information and Communication Technology into the curriculum and thus provides the latest resource in this field. We will provide state-of-the-art computing facilities with high speed central server and latest educational softwares. The lab is equipped with 1:1 student computer ratio ensuring ample time for project research and educational tools.

Language Lab

An established Language Laboratory is reserved for learning the different languages where the students have access to audio and visual materials. Our english lab has the facility of many advance tools-digital media control, wireless headsets, and microphones to help the students understand the exact pronunciation to develop the persuasive communication skills which is indispensable in modern time.

Physics, Chemistry & Biology Lab

A science lab is an essential segment to perform scientific research. These researches are extremely important to understand the concepts in the best possible way after class work. We have an established advanced science lab to perform a variety of tests and researches under the guidance of an expert mentor.

Dance & Yoga Room Eastern & Western Music Room Art & Craft Room

Math Lab

Experimentations and exploring different ideas with patterns are conducted in our Mathematics Lab. Our school has established a well- equipped laboratory wherin the learning about numbers, problem- solving with real-time situations, games and reasoning becomes fun. The Unique approach of the laboratory teaching mathematics exposes the opportunity to understand the beauty, relevance and usage in day-to-day life.


Our school's teaching philosophy goes beyond classroom education and we ensure that we supplement the theoretical instruction with audio visual aids. To assist us in this effort, our school has a fully equipped Audio Visual Room which simplifies learning though multi-media facilities. In addition to a dedicated AV room for pre-primary kids we are also building a 200 capacity AV room cum Seminar Hall for middle and senior grade.


Our school's teaching philosophy goes beyond classroom education and we ensure that we supplement the theoretical instruction with audio visual aids. To assist us in this effort, our school has a fully equipped Audio Visual Room which simplifies learning though multi-media facilities. In addition to a dedicated AV room for pre-primary kids we are also building a 200 capacity AV room cum Seminar Hall for middle and senior grade.

Math Lab

Experimentations and exploring different ideas with patterns are conducted in our Mathematics Lab. Our school has established a well- equipped laboratory wherin the learning about numbers, problem- solving with real-time situations, games and reasoning becomes fun. The Unique approach of the laboratory teaching mathematics exposes the opportunity to understand the beauty, relevance and usage in day-to-day life.

You Can Not Pur A Limit On Anything. The More You Dream, The Further You Get."-michael Phelps

International Standard Sports Infrastructure

Outdoor Sports








Horse Riding

Indoor Sports

Table Tennis




Soft Play

Junior Play Gym


Air Rifle Shooting

Indoor Sports

Table Tennis




Soft Play

Junior Play Gym


Air Rifle Shooting

Sports play an important role in shaping up the personality and fitness of a person. To give a truly global experience for students at DWPS, there are wide varieties of sports facilities to keep student engaged and physically fit. Sports activity along with ensuring physical fitness of students also inculcates the required values of patience, focus, team work, competitiveness, pushing their limits to the best of abilities, leadership and many other attributes that are necessary for an overall growth of a child lending one of the major impacts on the personality of the student.

Anyone Who Has Not Made A Mistake, Has Not Tried Anything New"- Albert Eistein

We Are A Smart Campus

Delhi World Public School gives its students a safe and comfortable transportation facility for its students. The buses will be well equipped with trained drivers and groomed female support staff. All buses are quipped with Tracking and RFID Attendance Solution.

  • Student ID Card and Swipe-based Bus Entry and Exit System
  • Live GPS Tracking
  • Pick and Drop Alerts
  • Driver Behaviour Monitoring
  • Emergency Alert System
  • Route Management
  • Over-Speeding Alert
  • Transport Attendance Management
  • Vehicle Usage Report Generation
  • API Integration for Enhanced Functionality
  • Video Telematics

Delhi World Public School Purulia aims at developing confident, well rounded students and capabilities and the spirit to reach for the stars. The curriculum provides a rich variety of co-curricular activities which we consider not extra but an ESSENTIAL part of child's education.

Extra Curricular Activities